San Lazaro Coffee is committed to our quadruple bottom line:
San Lázaro Coffee grows in the volcanic soil of the La Botija Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and southern Honduras' primary coffee region-resulting in a unique smooth flavor and bright crisp aroma with a long tradition. For centuries, women would pick this specialty grade coffee yet be paid only a fraction of what men made. Eager to provide for their families, they would take what they could get. That is, until the San Lazaro Coffee farm was established in 2006.
While our goal is to make the highest quality coffee we can, our passion is to empower women through employment. So today, we pay our workers thrive-able wages - wages that bring their dreams within reach, and led by our female farm manager, these women pour all the knowledge they've gained during a lifetime on coffee farms into each unforgettable cup.
We want to make sure that the coffee we grow is free of dangerous contaminants. And in doing so that our employees are not exposed to them as well.
We also want to do our part to steward well the piece of the planet that God has entrusted us with. We are honored that our farm is home to the source of the Rio Coco Segovia, arguably the most important river of Central America.
We are NOT certified organic and we're transparent about this fact in an industry that is often times not. The devastation of the invasive leaf rust is real and unfortunately there are no reliable organic treatments.
Our compensation commitment to our woman managed and women operated farm is evidenced by our compensation being nearly double established Fair Trade wage levels.
With this reality in 2020 we made the decision to not continue with Fair Trade certification, choosing rather to share the cost related to the certification.
We process, export, and warehouse our own coffee. Without middlemen or brokers involved we are able to guarantee that more profits go directly back to the community where our coffee comes from.
Two Varieties - Two Unique Processes
Caturra is an Arabica hybrid fathered by a natural mutation of the Bourbon varietal that was first discovered in Brazil around 1915. It is distinguished by crisp and mild sweet flavors, which our farm exploits by using a classic "fermented - washed process" to ready the bean for drying. The result is a cup with chocolate notes and a smooth (not tangy) citrus accent.
Catimor is one of the staple coffee varieties of Honduras, but our Catimor is anything but common. To present you with its hidden flavors, we use an especially labor-intensive natural process, leaving the fruit around the seed while drying, allowing fruity sugars to penetrate the bean. The result is an amazing cup with dark cherry accents and chocolate notes. If your palate is especially discerning, there is also a hint of plum.
Mayela, a 17-year-old from a small village surrounded by green mountains, lives with her grandfather. God has gifted her with a heart full of dreams and a deep passion for nature. Her educational journey began at Lazarus Academy, where she not only gained theoretical knowledge but also developed values that shaped her as a person. Upon graduating high school, Mayela knew her story was just beginning. She decided to enroll in a forestry program, determined to help preserve the environment of her beloved homeland.
At 24 years old there were not many opportunities for Karla. She was newly married and had a young daughter. The rugged rural mountains where she had grown up and lived in her entire life hadn’t afforded much. In particular she didn’t have the opportunity to continue learning in high school. But what she did learn was how to work. Both Karla and her husband were committed to helping their young family get ahead. He farmed and she worked anywhere she could, often picking tomatoes or peppers for farmers in the region. The days were long, the pay was bad, and the treatment was worse.